Kodak Capture Pro software add-on
Purchase this Kodak Capture Pro enhancement software to allow auto-import of files from a range of originating places.
Original files from other sources, such as MFP's, can be imported via network folders into Capture Pro. This allows the user to view all business information within one succint platform, saving time and money when searching and retrieving documents or digital files - such as photographs, notes, and emails.
With this, your staff can benefit from the same feature rich capabilities within Capture Pro as they would expect when handling scanned documents. Finally, this can all be run as a service, meaning no operators are neccassary.
Auto Import is part of the Capture Pro Software family. Import is a module that can ingest files from watched folders, i.e. images from other scanners like Multi-function printers (MFP’s), whereas Capture Pro drives a scanner.
If you need more information, or require a demonstration of Kodak Capture Pro, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Remember: Kodak Capture Pro is compatible with any brand scanners and can be tailored specifally to your business needs. Browse the range of Kodak Capture Pro Software here.