Best tips for scanning large-format documents

Whether you’re an architect who needs to scan and document large blueprints or an artist who needs to digitalise artwork, you can achieve a high-quality scan with the right tips and tricks.

By perfecting your scanning abilities, you can upgrade the level of your work, save up on physical space, and make it easier to find and share large document scans in professional settings. 

Plus, with modern large-format scanners, digitising A0, A1, and A2 documents has never been easier! Combining the right methods with a scanner that you can rely on will be a game changer for your business. 

So, stick with the Scanner Shop to transform your scanning capabilities with the best tips for scanning large-format documents. 

What is large-format scanning?

Large-format scanning refers to scanning documents that are beyond the standard size you normally see lying around an office. 

With dimensions often starting well above A4 (8.3″ x 11.7″), large-format documents often include architectural plans, blueprints, technical drawings, posters, artwork, and more. Digitising these pieces of work with a normal scanner will result in damaging the original piece and messy scans.

You’ll need to choose a scanner that can handle the thickness, size, and quality of the document to ensure you capture every detail with precision. 


Best tips for scanning large-format documents

As regular scanners that you’ll find in the average office or home don’t accommodate large-format documents, adjustments need to be made. 

If you have the means to do so, invest in a large-format scanner that offers a wide body and can scan resolutions up to 1200 dpi. If you need something more advanced, our ROWE Scan 850i Large Format Scanner is just what you need. This includes amazing features such as:

  • 2400 x 1200 dpi optical resolution
  • Scans documents 44" - 60" wide
  • Available in six models 
  • SuperSpeed USB 3.0

When using a large format scanner, you’ll want to make sure you’re doing it right. With the following tips, you’ll be able to generate a high-quality scan in no time. 

1. Prepare your scanner

Turn your scanner on and make sure it’s connected and calibrated properly before starting. 

Adjust any settings that you need to change, such as the colour, resolution, and speed, so you end up with a scan that meets all of your requirements. Give the scanner glass and rollers a soft wipe with a microfibre cloth to remove any smudges and keep your scans free from blurs. 

2. Align the document

Make sure your document aligns in the scanner bed correctly without hanging over the edge of the scanner. 

Try scanning a corner or edge of your document first to make sure there aren’t any issues with alignment or quality. This will also help you check for creases, wrinkles, and tears in the document. Some scanners have auto-align features, but manually checking can help avoid any crooked results, so check both top and bottom orientations. 

3. Take advantage of the ‘large format’ features 

Features like high-speed batch scanning, adjustable scanning depth, and automatic document feeders are common in large-format scanners. 

Use these functions whenever possible, especially when scanning several papers at once. 

4. Give the scanner time to process

While large format scanners are quick, especially when you choose a great brand like Colortrac or Rowe, the size and complexity of the document can affect the scanning time.

So, you may want to rush the process, but it’s important to allow time for your scanner to capture all of the minute details, especially for complicated documents. This will prevent you from ending up with any damaged scans!

Other methods for scanning large-format documents

While large-format scanners are the best method for scanning large-format documents, there are other ways if you don’t have one available to you or the money to invest in a new one. 

If you do have the means to do so, investing in a cheaper but effective scanner will save you time and money on hiring services or using a regular scanner for your work. Otherwise, you can scan a large document with a regular flatbed scanner in a few steps:

Using a standard flatbed scanner

  1. Measure and plan: Determine how large your document is and divide it into different sections that can fit easily onto the scanner bed. Include an overlapping area between each section to help with aligning the images later.
  2. Adjust the settings: Change the DPI resolution to the highest amount possible to ensure a better quality scan for detailed documents. 300 DPI is usually sufficient for high-quality scans. 
  3. Start scanning the sections: Start from one corner of the document and scan each section individually. Make sure the overlapping area is at the edge. Reposition the document so that the next scan overlaps with the previous image, and repeat this until you’ve scanned the entire document. 
  4. Edit the scanned sections together: Import your images into editing software that supports “stitching” and can automatically align your sections into a single digital file without gaps. Adobe Photoshop and GIMP are great choices. If you have flipped the document over to scan the bottom half, rotate the images 180 degrees so they align.

Use a mobile phone 

While this isn’t great for professional purposes, a mobile phone can do the job when it comes to scanning a large-format document for personal reasons.

There are many mobile scanning apps available on the market that you can use to turn a document into a high-quality PDF. Apps such as Adobe Scan, CamScanner, or Microsoft Lens are great options for a quick job. 

Here’s a quick step-by-step to get you started:

  1. Prepare the document: When using your phone, make sure the lighting is good and there are no creases or noticeable damages on the document. 
  2. Photograph in sections: It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to fit the document in one photo, so take small photos in sections that you can edit later. Overlap each image by 20-30% for a good outcome. You can even use a tripod to ensure a steady shot.
  3. Use auto-correct features: Make the most of any built-in features that automatically correct distortion caused by varied angles. Even if you weren't quite aligned, these features can straighten the corners and adjust perspective so that your final digital image resembles the original as much as possible.
  4. Combine the images: Some apps allow you to combine all of your segments into one image, auto-aligning any overlapping sections. If not, use a photo-editing app to create one large scan of your document. 

Create professional scans with scanners at the Scanner Shop

At the scanner shop, we’re dedicated to making sure you get the most out of your scanning capabilities. 

That’s why we sell modern and high-tech scanners from renowned brands for your business across all industries, as well as for personal use. 

Browse our range today and step into a new way of document management that makes storing and sharing information straightforward and reliable.